Lord Christopher Monckton Interview and Sheriff Joe Arpaio's March 31st Arizona Tea Party Event
March 31st, 2012
We have provided a temporary placeholder HD video of Saturday's event in Arizona produced by Vattelevision and Article II Super PAC. Another full High-Definition video is being produced with better watermark placement as to not block certain content. Once complete the HD video will be provided here. We will send out an email notifying when the new video upload is complete. If you would like to be notified by email please subscribe for PAC email updates using the Subscribe tool on the right sidebar of this website. Thanks for your patience.
March 27th, 2012
The Lord Has Spoken,
Monckton that is…
Maricopa, AZ - EXCLUSIVE: Article II Super PAC’s multimedia team, Vattelevision, caught up with Lord Christopher Monckton, Head of the Policy Unit, United Kingdom Independence Party, UKIP, yesterday following a meeting held with Sheriff Joe Arpaio and Lead Investigator Mike Zullo of the Maricopa County Cold Case Posse.
Although Lord Monckton is stateside on a speaking tour visiting universities and state legislatures highlighting the economic costs and flawed science behind climate change, he veered into the growing controversy around the alleged forged birth certificate and selective service registration of Obama’s on the Dennis Miller Radio Show last week.
Lord Monckton: ‘I’m no birther,’ but Obama birth certificate ‘plainly a forgery’ - https://obamareleaseyourrecords.blogspot.com/2012/03/lord-monckton-obamas-birth-certificate.html
Lord Monckton said “I mean, hey you got a president who has a false birth certificate on the Internet, on the White House website. It’s not even clear where he was born.” Miller protested when saying he disagreed with the suggestion that Obama has a fraudulent birth certificate, but Lord Monckton countered by saying “I don’t know whether he is Kenyan or not. The point is that if I were you, I would want to make absolutely sure that he was born here before allowing him to be elected.” Monckton went on to say “And the birth certificate that he put up on that website, I don’t know where he was born, but I do know that birth certificate isn’t genuine.”
Well, we couldn’t agree with Lord Monckton more! So we sent Vattelevision down to Arizona to catch up with him to finish the interview any other self-respecting journalist would have done.
Article II Super PAC will be posting the interview here and on our home page Wednesday, March 28th.
The Vattelevision crew will also be video recording the March 31st Surprise/Sun City West Tea Party meeting featuring keynote speakers Sheriff Joe Arpaio and Lead Investigator Mike Zullo. We will be recording both the event and conducting on-street interviews which will be uploaded over the weekend to the Article II Super PAC website.
We strongly encourage our Arizona supporters to attend the meeting and help spread the word. The event begins at 1:00 pm and will be held at the Church on the Green, 19051 R.H. Johnson Blvd., Sun City West, Arizona. Be there!
And as a final update, we are “this” close to meeting our goal to raising the needed funds to bring Herb Titus on board to do much needed legal research that will inform our general election strategy. Help us bring him and his team on board by making a donation today. To all of you who we’ve talked to in the last couple of weeks a HUGE THANK YOU for your continued support of our efforts. It was a pleasure to talk with you!
As always, we ask you to share this Article II Super PAC update with your Facebook friends, Twitterers, Family, Friends and Colleagues. We’re building a 2012 election army putting boots on the ground to educate any and all about what’s truly at stake in November.
For the Constitution,
Article II Super PAC Team
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