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About Article II Super PAC

After the Office of the President of the United States was usurped by a dual-citizen candidate in 2008, the nation was awakened to the realization that the U.S. Constitution, in particular Article II and presidential eligibility; has been effectively nullified by our elected representatives and abandoned by the main stream media.

Efforts for redress against this attack on the U.S. Constitution, ranging from lawsuits to mere inquiries as to how it could happen were met with lies, obfuscation and malicious ridicule. With a complicit media ignoring all calls for honest reporting on the issue, Americans organized on the internet in a communications revolution, bypassing the media and restoring to life the ideals of our Founding Fathers.

Arising out of this synergy and answering the call to defend the U.S. Constitution, fellow Americans across the country have created a political vehicle known as “Article II Super PAC,” which may be the first such "people's" organization, as we are not beholden to any foundation, lobby or other special interest.

The Article II Super PAC Team is fully aware that the 2012 election will be like no other recorded in American history. American voters will head to the polls with a simple yet profound choice on November 6, that is, voting for a President/Vice Presidential ticket with sole allegiance to the United States of America.

Help us make sure the majority of the electorate casts their vote ONLY for constitutionally eligible Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates. We can’t achieve our mission without you. Volunteer or donate in support of our efforts today.

Join us in our efforts. We need each and every one of you.




Donate by Mail made payable to Article II Super PAC,

Article II Super PAC
PO BOX 7011
Richmond, VA. 23221


[email protected]



Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Article II Super PAC does not make contributions to candidates. Art2SuperPAC may accept unlimited corporate contributions and unlimited individual contributions. Funds raised by Art2SuperPAC will be used for independent expenditures. Contributions to Art2SuperPAC are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. Contributions from foreign nationals and federal-government contractors are prohibited.

FEC ID NUMBER: C00507533
Design by Online Candidate