Georgia Ballot Challenge News
July 4, 2012
Powell-Swensson-Welden v Obama, Petition for Writ of Certiorari, US Supreme Court, 6-28-2012
The petition was filed by attorney Van Irion of Liberty Legal Foundation and attorney Mark Hatfield.
Note: An Article II Legal Defense Fund has been established to support legal actions to help reinstate a Constitutional Presidency, per Article II, Section 1, Clause 5. These actions may include civil or criminal complaints, lawsuits in multiple jurisdictions, including, but not limited to: direct eligibility challenges, ballot challenges, indirect suits against third parties, which would seek to clarify eligibility, or inhibit parties from supporting actions that benefit ineligible candidates and/or officials.
Please visit the site at and consider making a secure donation.
Disclaimer: Article II Super PAC and Article II Legal Defense Fund are two separate legal entities with separate missions, separate banking accounts and separate mailing addresses. Neither entity assumes any legal liability for any litigation or consequences thereof, as we are not a Party to such actions.
Georgia Ballot Challenge News
April 4, 2012
Powell v Obama, Application for Discretionary Appeal Denied, Georgia Supreme Court, 4-4-2012
Here is Plaintiff Kevin Powell’s statement -
"Today is a total travesty for the Rule of Law, Article II and the U.S. Constitution. The State of Georgia has a law on the books giving electors the right to challenge the eligibility of a Presidential candidate. However, that would be in theory only because in reality the judicial process is prohibitive and the sanctity of the ballot cannot be assured. Therefore, my ballot challenge in which Barack Obama entered nothing into the record and ignored a court order to appear despite Georgia Secretary of State’s warning to do so would be at "his own peril", heads to the U.S. Supreme Court seeking not only redress for a judicial process that has failed its responsibilities, but ultimately seeking Constitutional compliance."
Kevin R. Powell
April 4th, 2012
Here is Plaintiff Carl Swensson’s statement –
"GA Supreme Court makes it a perfect Trifecta ! They join with the Administrative Law Judge and the GA Superior Court in refusing to give an honest hearing to an honest challenge. This really does drive the point home that our courts no longer exist. It is now THEIR Courts, not meant for lowly Citizens to find or expect actual redress of grievances or justice. Yes, it makes me sad to know there isn’t one Judge in this State with nuts bigger than mustard seeds, with any observable civic conscience, and absolutely no guiding moral fiber. What it does show me is that we are now one step away from completing the journey. The journey through local, State and now Federal, in the form of the Supreme Court of the U.S., where I personally expect them to ignore our plea for justice. “
“The first step in my fight to expose the usurper was to find A law enforcement entity willing to look into the crime of Fraud and Forgery on the part of Obama/Soetoro and Company, for which, presentments from a Common Law Grand Jury convened here in Stockbridge, GA back in March of 09 were issued. Though those presentments were also ignored at every, and I do mean every, level of the government’s food chain from the Oval office in DC all the way down to local Police Officers and most everyone in between, they were ultimately dealt with by America’s Sheriff, Joe Arpaio. I never cared who made it happen, just that it happen and now it has. Vindication on that one point is oh so sweet. Now we have the results of his investigation and one would think that might perk up the ears of these monsters we call Judges but alas, that is not the case. “
“So here I am, facing the daunting task of getting our case before SCOTUS. I’m not complaining as this was destined to wind up there anyway but still a little nervous on how I am to pay for this next and final step. All I know is God brought me this far and I’m certain he wouldn’t want me to quit. After all, I’m fighting for his inspiration.., The Constitution. O.K., so here we are staring at the final step in the process, and looking back on all the previous steps one thing becomes abundantly clear. What I and all the others in this fight are doing is nothing more or less than what the founders did in the lead up to the American Revolution. We are laying bare, for all to see, that this system is completely and totally broken. No longer our system of Justice as expressed by the “Rule of Law”. Just like the White House has been broken into and stolen from We the People”, so have the Courts of this once proud Nation.”
“So here we have it folks. This one last step and we will have completed, for all to see, the absolute parallel to the document signed on July 8, 1776 and here is that part of the Declaration of Independence which is now going to be by necessity, relived. Here is the text and I’m certain you can easily substitute our current foreign and alien form of government under whatever name you choose to give it for the British and their King. I do not post this with anything other than a heavy heart, knowing what must inevitably happen when SCOTUS also denies you, America, Constitutional justice. At the end of the journey a new one begins and this one involves fertilizing the Tree of Liberty.”
God help us all,
Carl Swensson
April 4th, 2012
Powell and Swensson stated from the very beginning they would go to the Supreme Court if necessary and this is where they are headed. Collectively, that means all of us, have stood beside them the entire way and they are going to need our support now more than ever. This final leg of the journey may very well be the toughest climb of them all.
We will provide attorney Mark Hatfield's public statement when it is released.
For the Constitution,
Article II Super PAC Team
Powell v Obama, Application for Discretionary Appeal Denied, Georgia Supreme Court, 4-4-2012
Swensson v Obama, Application for Discretionary Appeal Denied, Georgia Supreme Court, 4-4-2012
Swensson v Obama, Application for Discretionary Appeal Denied, Georgia Supreme Court, 4-4-2012
Note: An Article II Legal Defense Fund has been established to support legal actions to help reinstate a Constitutional Presidency, per Article II, Section 1, Clause 5. These actions may include civil or criminal complaints, lawsuits in multiple jurisdictions, including, but not limited to: direct eligibility challenges, ballot challenges, indirect suits against third parties, which would seek to clarify eligibility, or inhibit parties from supporting actions that benefit ineligible candidates and/or officials.
Please visit the site at and consider making a secure donation.
Disclaimer: Article II Super PAC and Article II Legal Defense Fund are two separate legal entities with separate missions, separate banking accounts and separate mailing addresses. Neither entity assumes any legal liability for any litigation or consequences thereof, as we are not a Party to such actions.
Georgia Ballot Challenge News
March 14th, 2012
The Supreme Court of Georgia today denied the Powell-Swensson v Obama Emergency Motion for Injunction. The Powell-Swensson v Obama, Application for Discretionary Appeal, is still pending before the Supreme Court of Georgia.
If you would like to help with legal fees associated with this case please make a contribution here.
Note: An Article II Legal Defense Fund has been established to support legal actions to help reinstate a Constitutional Presidency, per Article II, Section 1, Clause 5. These actions may include civil or criminal complaints, lawsuits in multiple jurisdictions, including, but not limited to: direct eligibility challenges, ballot challenges, indirect suits against third parties, which would seek to clarify eligibility, or inhibit parties from supporting actions that benefit ineligible candidates and/or officials.
Please visit the site at and consider making a secure donation.
Disclaimer: Article II Super PAC and Article II Legal Defense Fund are two separate legal entities with separate missions, separate banking accounts and separate mailing addresses. Neither entity assumes any legal liability for any litigation or consequences thereof, as we are not a Party to such actions.
Georgia Ballot Challenge News
March 13th, 2012
Powell v Obama, Letter to Georgia Supreme Court Clerk, Georgia Supreme Court, 3-13-2012
Powell v Obama, Application for Discretionary Appeal, Georgia Supreme Court, 3-13-2012
Powell v Obama, Application for Discretionary Appeal, Georgia Supreme Court, 3-13-2012
Powell v Obama, Application for Discretionary Appeal, Georgia Supreme Court, 3-13-2012
Powell v Obama, Emergency Motion for Injunction Pending Appeal, Georgia Supreme Court, 3-13-2012
Powell v Obama, Emergency Motion for Injunction Pending Appeal, Georgia Supreme Court, 3-13-2012
Swensson v Obama, Letter to Georgia Supreme Court Clerk, Georgia Supreme Court, 3-13-2012
Swensson v Obama, Letter to Georgia Supreme Court Clerk, Georgia Supreme Court, 3-13-2012
Swensson v Obama, Application for Discretionary Appeal, Georgia Supreme Court, 3-13-2012
Swensson v Obama, Application for Discretionary Appeal, Georgia Supreme Court, 3-13-2012
Swensson v Obama, Emergency Motion for Injunction Pending Appeal, Georgia Supreme Court, 3-13-2012
Swensson v Obama, Application for Discretionary Appeal, Georgia Supreme Court, 3-13-2012
Note: An Article II Legal Defense Fund has been established to support legal actions to help reinstate a Constitutional Presidency, per Article II, Section 1, Clause 5. These actions may include civil or criminal complaints, lawsuits in multiple jurisdictions, including, but not limited to: direct eligibility challenges, ballot challenges, indirect suits against third parties, which would seek to clarify eligibility, or inhibit parties from supporting actions that benefit ineligible candidates and/or officials.
Please visit the site at and consider making a secure donation.
Disclaimer: Article II Super PAC and Article II Legal Defense Fund are two separate legal entities with separate missions, separate banking accounts and separate mailing addresses. Neither entity assumes any legal liability for any litigation or consequences thereof, as we are not a Party to such actions.
Georgia Ballot Challenge News
March 2nd, 2012
Powell v Obama, Petitioner's Response to Respondent's Motion to Dismiss, Fulton County Superior Court, 3-2-2012
Swensson v Obama, Petitioner's Response to Respondent's Motion to Dismiss, Fulton County Superior Court, 3-2-2012
Farrar-Welden-Powell-Swensson v Obama, Order Granting Respondent Barack Obama's Motion(s) to Dismiss, Fulton County Superior Court, 3-2-2012
Note: An Article II Legal Defense Fund has been established to support legal actions to help reinstate a Constitutional Presidency, per Article II, Section 1, Clause 5. These actions may include civil or criminal complaints, lawsuits in multiple jurisdictions, including, but not limited to: direct eligibility challenges, ballot challenges, indirect suits against third parties, which would seek to clarify eligibility, or inhibit parties from supporting actions that benefit ineligible candidates and/or officials.
Please visit the site at and consider making a secure donation.
Disclaimer: Article II Super PAC and Article II Legal Defense Fund are two separate legal entities with separate missions, separate banking accounts and separate mailing addresses. Neither entity assumes any legal liability for any litigation or consequences thereof, as we are not a Party to such actions.
Georgia Ballot Challenge News
February 27th, 2012
Kevin Powell v Barack Obama, Motion to Dismiss, Fulton County Superior Court, 2-27-2012
Powell v Obama, Motion to Dismiss, Fulton County Superior Court, 2-27-2012
Powell v Obama, Brief in Support of Respondent’s Motion to Dismiss, Fulton County Superior Court, 2-27-2012
Powell v Obama, Reply Brief to Petitioner's Motion for Emergency Hearing, Fulton County Superior Court, 2-27-2012
Carl Swensson v Barack Obama, Motion to Dismiss, Fulton County Superior Court, 2-27-2012
Swensson v Obama, Motion to Dismiss, Fulton County Superior Court, 2-27-2012
Swensson v Obama, Brief in Support of Respondent’s Motion to Dismiss, Fulton County Superior Court, 2-27-2012
Swensson v Obama, Reply Brief to Petitioner's Motion for Emergency Hearing, Fulton County Superior Court, 2-27-2012
Note: An Article II Legal Defense Fund has been established to support legal actions to help reinstate a Constitutional Presidency, per Article II, Section 1, Clause 5. These actions may include civil or criminal complaints, lawsuits in multiple jurisdictions, including, but not limited to: direct eligibility challenges, ballot challenges, indirect suits against third parties, which would seek to clarify eligibility, or inhibit parties from supporting actions that benefit ineligible candidates and/or officials.
Please visit the site at and consider making a secure donation.
Disclaimer: Article II Super PAC and Article II Legal Defense Fund are two separate legal entities with separate missions, separate banking accounts and separate mailing addresses. Neither entity assumes any legal liability for any litigation or consequences thereof, as we are not a Party to such actions.
Georgia Ballot Challenge News
February 21st, 2012
Powell v Obama, Motion for Expedited Review or, Alternatively, for Stay of Decision of Secretary of State and for Postponement of Presidential Preference Primary Election, Superior Court of Fulton County, 2-21-2012
Powell v Obama, Notice of Motion for Expedited Review or, Alternatively, for Stay of Decision of Secretary of State and for Postponement of Presidential Preference Primary Election, Superior Court of Fulton County, 2-21-2012
Swensson v Obama, Motion for Expedited Review or, Alternatively, for Stay of Decision of Secretary of State and for Postponement of Presidential Preference Primary Election, Superior Court of Fulton County, 2-21-2012
Swensson v Obama, Notice of Motion for Expedited Review or, Alternatively, for Stay of Decision of Secretary of State and for Postponement of Presidential Preference Primary Election, Superior Court of Fulton County, 2-21-2012
Note: An Article II Legal Defense Fund has been established to support legal actions to help reinstate a Constitutional Presidency, per Article II, Section 1, Clause 5. These actions may include civil or criminal complaints, lawsuits in multiple jurisdictions, including, but not limited to: direct eligibility challenges, ballot challenges, indirect suits against third parties, which would seek to clarify eligibility, or inhibit parties from supporting actions that benefit ineligible candidates and/or officials.
Please visit the site at and consider making a secure donation.
Disclaimer: Article II Super PAC and Article II Legal Defense Fund are two separate legal entities with separate missions, separate banking accounts and separate mailing addresses. Neither entity assumes any legal liability for any litigation or consequences thereof, as we are not a Party to such actions.
Georgia Ballot Challenge News
February 21st, 2012
Farrar-Welden-Powell-Swensson v Obama, Defendant's Request to Consolidate Cases, Fulton County Superior Court, 2-22-2012
Note: An Article II Legal Defense Fund has been established to support legal actions to help reinstate a Constitutional Presidency, per Article II, Section 1, Clause 5. These actions may include civil or criminal complaints, lawsuits in multiple jurisdictions, including, but not limited to: direct eligibility challenges, ballot challenges, indirect suits against third parties, which would seek to clarify eligibility, or inhibit parties from supporting actions that benefit ineligible candidates and/or officials.
Please visit the site at and consider making a secure donation.
Disclaimer: Article II Super PAC and Article II Legal Defense Fund are two separate legal entities with separate missions, separate banking accounts and separate mailing addresses. Neither entity assumes any legal liability for any litigation or consequences thereof, as we are not a Party to such actions.
Georgia Ballot Challenge News
February 17th, 2012
Powell-Swensson v Obama, Notice to Honorable Henry Newkirk and Honorable Christopher Brasher, Superior Court of Fulton County, 2-17-2012
Note: An Article II Legal Defense Fund has been established to support legal actions to help reinstate a Constitutional Presidency, per Article II, Section 1, Clause 5. These actions may include civil or criminal complaints, lawsuits in multiple jurisdictions, including, but not limited to: direct eligibility challenges, ballot challenges, indirect suits against third parties, which would seek to clarify eligibility, or inhibit parties from supporting actions that benefit ineligible candidates and/or officials.
Please visit the site at and consider making a secure donation.
Disclaimer: Article II Super PAC and Article II Legal Defense Fund are two separate legal entities with separate missions, separate banking accounts and separate mailing addresses. Neither entity assumes any legal liability for any litigation or consequences thereof, as we are not a Party to such actions.
Georgia Ballot Challenge News
February 16th, 2012
Swensson v Obama, Petition for Judicial Review, Fulton County Superior Court, Georgia Ballot Access Challenge, 2-15-2012
Swensson v Obama, Petition for Judicial Review, Georgia Ballot Access Challenge, 2-15-2012
Powell v Obama, Summons and Petition For Judicial Review Notice, Michael Malihi, Georgia Ballot Access Challenge, 2-15-2012
Powell v Obama, Summons and Petition For Judicial Review Notice, Brian Kemp, Georgia Ballot Access Challenge, 2-15-2012
Powell v Obama, Petition For Judicial Review, Fulton County Superior Court, Georgia Ballot Access Challenge, 2-15-2012
Powell v Obama, Petition for Judicial Review, Georgia Ballot Access Challenge, 2-15-2012
Powell v Obama, Summons and Petition For Judicial Review Notice, Michael Malihi, Georgia Ballot Access Challenge, 2-15-2012
Powell v Obama, Summons and Petition For Judicial Review Notice, Brian Kemp, Georgia Ballot Access Challenge, 2-15-2012
Note: An Article II Legal Defense Fund has been established to support legal actions to help reinstate a Constitutional Presidency, per Article II, Section 1, Clause 5. These actions may include civil or criminal complaints, lawsuits in multiple jurisdictions, including, but not limited to: direct eligibility challenges, ballot challenges, indirect suits against third parties, which would seek to clarify eligibility, or inhibit parties from supporting actions that benefit ineligible candidates and/or officials.
Please visit the site at and consider making a secure donation.
Disclaimer: Article II Super PAC and Article II Legal Defense Fund are two separate legal entities with separate missions, separate banking accounts and separate mailing addresses. Neither entity assumes any legal liability for any litigation or consequences thereof, as we are not a Party to such actions.
Georgia Ballot Challenge News
February 7th, 2012
Powell-Swensson-Welden-Farrar v Obama, Georgia Secretary of State Upholds Decision by Judge Michael Malihi, 2-7-2012
Note: An Article II Legal Defense Fund has been established to support legal actions to help reinstate a Constitutional Presidency, per Article II, Section 1, Clause 5. These actions may include civil or criminal complaints, lawsuits in multiple jurisdictions, including, but not limited to: direct eligibility challenges, ballot challenges, indirect suits against third parties, which would seek to clarify eligibility, or inhibit parties from supporting actions that benefit ineligible candidates and/or officials.
Please visit the site at and consider making a secure donation.
Disclaimer: Article II Super PAC and Article II Legal Defense Fund are two separate legal entities with separate missions, separate banking accounts and separate mailing addresses. Neither entity assumes any legal liability for any litigation or consequences thereof, as we are not a Party to such actions.
Georgia Ballot Challenge News
February 7th, 2012
Powell-Swensson vs. Obama, Attorney Hatfield's Letter Brief to Georgia Secretary of State Regarding Decision by Judge Michael Malihi, 2-7-2012
Powell-Swensson vs. Obama, Attorney Hatfield's Letter Brief to Georgia Secretary of State
Note: An Article II Legal Defense Fund has been established to support legal actions to help reinstate a Constitutional Presidency, per Article II, Section 1, Clause 5. These actions may include civil or criminal complaints, lawsuits in multiple jurisdictions, including, but not limited to: direct eligibility challenges, ballot challenges, indirect suits against third parties, which would seek to clarify eligibility, or inhibit parties from supporting actions that benefit ineligible candidates and/or officials.
Please visit the site at and consider making a secure donation.
Disclaimer: Article II Super PAC and Article II Legal Defense Fund are two separate legal entities with separate missions, separate banking accounts and separate mailing addresses. Neither entity assumes any legal liability for any litigation or consequences thereof, as we are not a Party to such actions.
Georgia Ballot Challenge News
February 3rd, 2012
Swensson-Powell-Farrar-Welden vs. Obama - Judge Michael Malihi's Final Order - Georgia Ballot Access Challenge - 2-3-2012
We caught up with Swensson/Powell's counsel, Mark Hatfield, late this afternoon to get his initial take on the ruling. Here is what he stated “obviously we are disappointed w/the decision, but there are a couple of items in the ruling that we are looking at. First, the Judge never made any ruling on who has the burden of proof even though he indicated in chambers prior to the hearing that making the determination of the burden of proof laid with Defendant Obama." He went onto state "the Judge has a record of placing the burden on the candidate, but didn't do so in this case." Another point Hatfield made was the “Indiana Court of Appeals ruling in Arkeny elevates the Indiana case above the Constitution" while also noting the Judge ignored the Minor court in Minor v Happersett, a ruling that clearly defined natural born Citizen, established precedent. When asked about next steps Hatfield stated "we are going full bore and taking it up on appeal”.
Note: An Article II Legal Defense Fund has been established to support legal actions to help reinstate a Constitutional Presidency, per Article II, Section 1, Clause 5. These actions may include civil or criminal complaints, lawsuits in multiple jurisdictions, including, but not limited to: direct eligibility challenges, ballot challenges, indirect suits against third parties, which would seek to clarify eligibility, or inhibit parties from supporting actions that benefit ineligible candidates and/or officials.
Please visit the site at and consider making a secure donation.
Disclaimer: Article II Super PAC and Article II Legal Defense Fund are two separate legal entities with separate missions, separate banking accounts and separate mailing addresses. Neither entity assumes any legal liability for any litigation or consequences thereof, as we are not a Party to such actions.
Georgia Ballot Challenge News
February 1st, 2012
Swensson|Powell v Obama, Citation for Contempt, Georgia Ballot Access Challenge, 2-1-2012
Swensson|Powell v Obama, Citation for Contempt, Georgia Ballot Access Challenge, 2-1-2012
Powell v Obama, Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, Georgia Ballot Access Challenge, 2-1-2012
Swensson v Obama, Proposed Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law, Georgia Ballot Access Challenge 2-1-2012
Note: An Article II Legal Defense Fund has been established to support legal actions to help reinstate a Constitutional Presidency, per Article II, Section 1, Clause 5. These actions may include civil or criminal complaints, lawsuits in multiple jurisdictions, including, but not limited to: direct eligibility challenges, ballot challenges, indirect suits against third parties, which would seek to clarify eligibility, or inhibit parties from supporting actions that benefit ineligible candidates and/or officials.
Please visit the site at and consider making a secure donation.
Disclaimer: Article II Super PAC and Article II Legal Defense Fund are two separate legal entities with separate missions, separate banking accounts and separate mailing addresses. Neither entity assumes any legal liability for any litigation or consequences thereof, as we are not a Party to such actions.
Georgia Ballot Challenge News
January 27th, 2012
Below is an enhanced audio quality video of the complete January 26, 2012 Georgia State Administrative Hearing. We thank all of you who have reached out to us since the hearing. You've been heard!
Check back often for more video interviews from the Georgia ballot hearing.
Georgia Ballot Challenge News
January 25th, 2012
Georgia Secretary of State Response to Obama's Request to Cancel Georgia Presidential Preference Primary Hearings
Georgia Ballot Challenge News
January 20th, 2012
Swensson-Powell v Obama, Order on Motion to Quash/Appear, Georgia Ballot Access Challenge
Farrar-Welden-Swensson-Powell v Obama, Order on Motion to Quash Subpoenas, Georgia Ballot Challenge
Note: An Article II Legal Defense Fund has been established to support legal actions to help reinstate a Constitutional Presidency, per Article II, Section 1, Clause 5. These actions may include civil or criminal complaints, lawsuits in multiple jurisdictions, including, but not limited to: direct eligibility challenges, ballot challenges, indirect suits against third parties, which would seek to clarify eligibility, or inhibit parties from supporting actions that benefit ineligible candidates and/or officials.
Please visit the site at and consider making a secure donation.
Disclaimer: Article II Super PAC and Article II Legal Defense Fund are two separate legal entities with separate missions, separate banking accounts and separate mailing addresses. Neither entity assumes any legal liability for any litigation or consequences thereof, as we are not a Party to such actions.
Georgia Ballot Challenge News
January 19th, 2012
Swensson-Powell v Obama, Notice to Produce, Georgia Ballot Access Challenge
Swensson-Powell v Obama, Notice to Produce, Georgia Ballot Access Challenge, 1/19/2012
Swensson-Powell v Obama, Motion for Determination of Placement of Burden of Proof, Georgia Ballot Access Challenge
Swensson-Powell v Obama, Order on Motion for Determination of Placement of Burden of Proof, Georgia Ballot Access Challenge
Note: An Article II Legal Defense Fund has been established to support legal actions to help reinstate a Constitutional Presidency, per Article II, Section 1, Clause 5. These actions may include civil or criminal complaints, lawsuits in multiple jurisdictions, including, but not limited to: direct eligibility challenges, ballot challenges, indirect suits against third parties, which would seek to clarify eligibility, or inhibit parties from supporting actions that benefit ineligible candidates and/or officials.
Please visit the site at and consider making a secure donation.
Disclaimer: Article II Super PAC and Article II Legal Defense Fund are two separate legal entities with separate missions, separate banking accounts and separate mailing addresses. Neither entity assumes any legal liability for any litigation or consequences thereof, as we are not a Party to such actions.
Georgia Ballot Challenge News
January 6th, 2012
WXIA TV Atlanta, Obama Ballot Challenge Hearing Scheduled for 1-26-2012
Georgia Ballot Challenge News
January 3rd, 2012
Farrar-Welden-Swensson-Powell v Obama, Motion to Dismiss by Obama is Denied, Georgia Ballot Access Challenge
Farrar-Welden-Swensson-Powell v Obama, Motion to Take Depositions Denied, Georgia Ballot Access Challenge
Farrar-Welden-Swensson-Powell v Obama, Motion to Sever Granted, Georgia Ballot Access Challenge
Note: An Article II Legal Defense Fund has been established to support legal actions to help reinstate a Constitutional Presidency, per Article II, Section 1, Clause 5. These actions may include civil or criminal complaints, lawsuits in multiple jurisdictions, including, but not limited to: direct eligibility challenges, ballot challenges, indirect suits against third parties, which would seek to clarify eligibility, or inhibit parties from supporting actions that benefit ineligible candidates and/or officials.
Please visit the site at and consider making a secure donation.
Disclaimer: Article II Super PAC and Article II Legal Defense Fund are two separate legal entities with separate missions, separate banking accounts and separate mailing addresses. Neither entity assumes any legal liability for any litigation or consequences thereof, as we are not a Party to such actions.
Georgia Ballot Challenge News
December 30th, 2011
Attorney Mark Hatfield on behalf of Plaintiffs Kevin Powell and Carl Swensson filed Motion for Leave to Take Depositions.
Georgia Ballot Challenge News
December 30th, 2011
Attorney Mark Hatfield on behalf of Plaintiffs Kevin Powell and Carl Swensson filed a Motion for Severance and for Separate Hearing.
Georgia Ballot Challenge News
December 14th, 2011
For Immediate Release:
Contact: J. Mark Hatfield
(912) 283-3820
[email protected]
Monday, December 12, 2011
Kevin R. Powell Announces Challenge
to Placement of Obama on Georgia Ballot
DULUTH – Mr. Kevin R. Powell of Duluth, Georgia announced today that he has filed with the Office of Secretary of State Brian Kemp a challenge to the placement of the name of Barack Obama on the Georgia ballot for the Presidency of the United States of America. Submitted to Secretary Kemp’s office as of November 28, 2011, Powell’s challenge has now been referred to the Georgia Office of State Administrative Hearings for further proceedings. The case is styled Kevin Richard Powell v. Barack Obama, and the Office of State Administrative Hearings’ Docket Number is OSAH-SECSTATE-CE-1216823-60-MALIHI.
Powell’s challenge to Obama’s placement on the Georgia ballot is based upon the contention that Obama does not satisfy the “natural born Citizen” requirement of Article II, Section I, Clause 5 of the United States Constitution. Obama’s father, Barack Obama, Sr., was a native of Kenya and a British subject who never became a United States citizen.
Powell will be represented before the Office of State Administrative Hearings by attorney J. Mark Hatfield of the law firm Hatfield & Hatfield, P.C. in Waycross, Georgia.
For Immediate Release:
Contact: J. Mark Hatfield
(912) 283-3820
[email protected]
Monday, December 12, 2011
Carl Swensson Announces Challenge
to Placement of Obama on Georgia Ballot
MORROW – Mr. Carl Swensson of Morrow, Georgia announced today that he has filed with the Office of Secretary of State Brian Kemp a challenge to the placement of the name of Barack Obama on the Georgia ballot for the Presidency of the United States of America. Submitted to Secretary Kemp’s office as of November 28, 2011, Swensson’s challenge has now been referred to the Georgia Office of State Administrative Hearings for further proceedings. The case is styled Carl Swensson v. Barack Obama, and the Office of State Administrative Hearings’ Docket Number is OSAH-SECSTATE-CE-1216218-60-MALIHI.
Swensson’s challenge to Obama’s placement on the Georgia ballot is based upon the contention that Obama does not satisfy the “natural born Citizen” requirement of Article II, Section I, Clause 5 of the United States Constitution. Obama’s father, Barack Obama, Sr., was a native of Kenya and a British subject who never became a United States citizen.
Swensson will be represented before the Office of State Administrative Hearings by attorney J. Mark Hatfield of the law firm Hatfield & Hatfield, P.C. in Waycross, Georgia.
J. Mark Hatfield
Hatfield & Hatfield, P.C.
Attorneys at Law
201 Albany Avenue
P.O. Box 1361
Waycross, GA 31502
(912) 283-3820
Note: An Article II Legal Defense Fund has been established to support legal actions to help reinstate a Constitutional Presidency, per Article II, Section 1, Clause 5. These actions may include civil or criminal complaints, lawsuits in multiple jurisdictions, including, but not limited to: direct eligibility challenges, ballot challenges, indirect suits against third parties, which would seek to clarify eligibility, or inhibit parties from supporting actions that benefit ineligible candidates and/or officials.
Please visit the site at and consider making a secure donation.
Disclaimer: Article II Super PAC and Article II Legal Defense Fund are two separate legal entities with separate missions, separate banking accounts and separate mailing addresses. Neither entity assumes any legal liability for any litigation or consequences thereof, as we are not a Party to such actions.
Make a secure online donation to Article II Super PAC by clicking here.
Article II Super PAC does not make contributions to candidates. Art2SuperPAC may accept unlimited corporate contributions and unlimited individual contributions. Funds raised by Art2SuperPAC will only be used for independent expenditures. Contributions to Art2SuperPAC are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. Contributions from foreign nationals and federal-government contractors are prohibited.