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Florida Ballot Challenge News
February  10th, 2012

The Obama Defense Team has Finally Met Its Match

His Name Is Attorney Larry Klayman, Founder of Judicial Watch; and the line in the sand has been drawn in Florida and California.

Obama Can’t Get Re-Elected if he Fails to Qualify in These Key States – at Last The Fraud Will Be Laid Bare.

The filings must be made in a week if we are to hold Obama accountable and prevent him from being on the ballot.

$25,000 must be raised in the next 96 hours

Write a check for $25,000, or for any amount you can, but do it today.

Click Here Now to Make a Secure Online Contribution

All Major Credit Cards Accepted, even checks

It’s Now or Never.

Once the ballots are printed in all 50 states it will be too late. What would follow is a rigged election and Eric Holder to rubber-stamp the results. The best we could do then is a rearguard vote challenge and battle our way up the steps of the inauguration platform.

We are not alone and we have an excellent opportunity to succeed. We are putting together an unbeatable legal team headed by Larry Klayman. He is taking our cases in his private capacity- that’s how important it is to him, he told us.

For more than 3 decades, Mr. Klayman has forced to their knees the most corrupt of businesses and politicians, including a president, Bill Clinton.

Plaintiffs are lined up in Florida and California and some complaints have already been drawn. What we need for a victory in court is your help to raise the money needed to cover legal expenses.

Bank accounts have been established for this epic legal battle. Progress in fundraising and in the legal arena will be covered in detail at the website, including multi-media productions by Article II Super PAC

Why we need your assistance immediately … Donate Now!

Most reading this already know that we have an ineligible fraud in the White House who did not, cannot, prove his eligibility. This is about additional efforts to help get him out or help prevent re-election.

Assistance with what? Why YOU should help:

We must raise $25,000. $12.5K/state, almost immediately- for our Florida and California efforts. Loans considered, donations greatly preferred. Even if you don’t live in these states, this is to your benefit. We need to open up the war on more fronts. See legal defense fund:

We are currently collecting for Florida (case to be filed, Counsel: Klayman), California (Barnett, Noonan, et al, Counsel: Klayman) and other campaigns. Donate NOW HERE

Looming Deadlines force us to act soon. This may be our last line of defense to help ensure “Obama” will not be in the White House four more years. Our line in the sand is here. Do you really want to count on Romney/Santorum to beat him, to just hope for a “fair” election?

Please Donate Now to fund these important projects,



General Fund,

to facilitate allocation to most urgent projects.

By George Miller, Obama Ballot Challenge 2012.

Check back often at this page for case updates!

Disclaimer: Article II Super PAC and Article II Legal Defense Fund are two separate legal entities with separate missions, separate banking accounts and separate mailing addresses. Neither entity assumes any legal liability for any litigation or consequences thereof, as we are not a Party to such actions.

Make a secure online donation to Article II Super PAC by clicking here.

Article II Super PAC does not make contributions to candidates. Art2SuperPAC may accept unlimited corporate contributions and unlimited individual contributions. Funds raised by Art2SuperPAC will only be used for independent expenditures. Contributions to Art2SuperPAC are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. Contributions from foreign nationals and federal-government contractors are prohibited.

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